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Translates specialized texts with 95% accuracy!
AI-powered translation of medical, chemical, mechanical, IT, legal, financial and other specialized fields with up to 95% accuracy - comparable to professional translators.
Contact us for a free demonstration!

Introducing T-4OO

Created by Rozetta, Inc., T-4OO is an AI-powered machine translation system with technical terminology from over 2,000 fields including medicine, chemicals, machinery, IT, legal affairs, and finance. Furthermore, the database can be customized for each user for even greater accuracy and consistency. The more you use it, the more the system will learn.

  • Accurate: Our unique AI-powered system translates with an accuracy comparable to professional translators. Choose among 2,000 fields including law, medicine, finance, chemistry, IT, machinery, and electronics.

  • Flate Rate: The cost works out to around 3,000 yen per user per month and you can use it whenever you need it. Our Basic plan has a limit of 450,000 words per year.

  • Secure: All our servers are housed in secure data centers and managed according to ISMS certification. All data transmission is done via SSL encryption.

Field Selection

Select from among 2,000 fields in advance and translate automatically to obtain a more appropriate translation.  Each field has been created from official documents and guidelines to ensure maximum accuracy.

File Compatibility

Supports PDF, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files. Translation is performed with the original layout maintained. You can also translate web pages by entering URLs.


Translations are displayed with their source text. There are also a large number of examples from official documents and guidelines sourced from around the world to help confirm if the translation is correct.

Translation Memory

A statistical dictionary that displays the frequency of translated words for each specialized field. It matches with the specialty field's database and shows how often it is used.

Automatic Learning

If you add translated documents to your database, they will be reflected in automatic translation on a phrase basis. Terminology can be unified by referring to the data at the time of calibration.


In the browser, you can correct the translation while looking at the original.

Translation Samples

Translate long and complex documents with ease!

Medical Field


MWCNT and chrysotile were incompletely internalized in the cells and localized in the cytoplasm. Urinary Pi excretion levels were significantly higher in Cd-injected WT mice than in control group. Strict use of the definition of FUO is thus unwarranted when managing patients with prolonged fever.


MWCNTおよびクリソタイルは細胞内に完全には取り込まれておらず、細胞質に局在していた。尿中Pi排泄量は、対照群よりもカドミウムを注射したWTマウスで有意に高かった。 したがって、長期間発熱している患者を管理する場合は、FUOの定義を厳密に使用する必要はない。

A high correlation between necrosis and vacuolation in the heart and TnT and TnI levels was noted. Their physical function was measured using the Chinese Mini-Physical Performance Testing (CMPPT). 32 patients with multiple sclerosis (ICD10-G35) and 20 healthy subjects were recruited for the study.

心臓の壊死と空胞化とTnTおよびTnI値との間には高い相関が認められた。身体機能は中国のミニ身体機能検査(CMPPT)を用いて測定した。 多発性硬化症患者32例(ICD10-G35)と健常被験者20例を試験に組み入れた。

Legal Field


This agreement (“Agreement”) is dated May __, 2017 (“Effective Date”), and is between ABC International, a California nonprofit public benefit corporation (“ABC”), and XYZ Corp., a Japanese corporation (“Client”).


本契約(「本契約」)は、2017年5月 日(「発効日」)付けで、カリフォルニア州の非営利公益法人ABC International(「ABC」)と日本の法人であるXYZ Corp.(「クライアント」)との間で締結された。

(FORCE MAJEURE) Neither party is in breach of this Agreement for delay in performing any obligation to the extent that, and for so long as, such delay is caused by an event beyond the reasonable control of the affected party including but not limited to fires, earthquakes, floods, embargoes, wars, acts of war (whether war is declared or not), insurrections, riots, civil disturbances, strikes, lockouts or other labor disturbances, acts of God, unavailability of key personnel, denial of an export license, or any acts, omissions, or delays in acting by any governmental authority or the other party.

(不可抗力)いずれの当事者も、当該遅延が、火災、地震、洪水、通商禁止、戦争、戦争行為(戦争が宣戦布告されたか否かを問わない)、反乱、暴動、内乱、ストライキ、ロックアウトまたはその他の労働争議、天変地異、主要要員の入手不能、輸出免許の否認、 または政府機関もしくは相手方当事者の行動における作為、不作為もしくは遅延を含むがこれらに限定されない、影響を受けた当事者の合理的な制御を超える事由に起因する場合、その範囲において、またその限りにおいて、当該遅延は、本契約の違反とはならない。

Finance Field


The balance of current liabilities was ¥34,446 million (¥33,750 million at the end of the previous fiscal year), an increase of ¥696 million.


流動負債は、前連結会計年度末に比べ 696 百万円増加し、34,446 百万円(前連結会計年度末33,750 百万円)となりました。

The effect on retained earnings and deferred tax assets at the beginning of the first quarter of the consolidated accounting period due to this change is minor.

なお、この変更による当第 1 四半期連結会計期間の期首の利益剰余金及び繰延税金資産への影響は軽微であります。

Privacy & Security


Robust Security

■ SSL encryption for all communications.
■ Servers housed in ISMS-certified data center.



■ We can sign a non-disclosure agreement.
■ In the event of a leak, we will compensate for the damage.


Data Deletion

■ Automatic deletion of translation data stored on the server every two weeks.
■ User can also erase manually at any time.


Basic Plan:

3,000 yen /month/user for up to 10 users


  1. Contracts are offered on an annual basis

  2. Setup fee is separate

  3. There is an upper limit on translation volume

  4. We have plan for all needs from small deployments to enterprise-wide usage. Contact us for more information.

Over 4,500 Clients to Date

We have clients in a broad range of industries and fields including biotech, chemicals, construction, electrical equipment, finance, food & beverage, fossil fuels, hospitals & clinics, industrial machinery, IT & related consulting, laboratories, law & IP, life sciences, medical equipment, pharmaceuticals, semiconductors, shipbuilding, and steel. Based on the feedback we receive daily, our service continues to evolve and improve.

Clients in the Nikkei 225 Index
Pharmaceutical, chemical,  food & beverage


Machinery, electrical, precision instruments


Steel, metal, nonmetal, fibers


Contact us for a free demonstration!
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