Hire Talent Worldwide
Use Conyac to find and hire among our 100,000+ registered freelancers from around the world with deep expertise in a broad variety of fields.
Posting jobs and pre-contract negotiations with freelancers are entirely free. Our marketplace's pricing is also more affordable than other services.
Our job marketplace is available for you 24/7/365. Although we have freelancers from over 100 countries, we are particularly strong in Japanese-speaking freelancers.
Quality Translation by Specialists
Our one-stop translation service is available 24/7/365. The whole process, from quotation to order to delivery is completed online.
From among the many translators registered with our service, we use tests to select the best. We also monitor deliverables to ensure quality.
Whether you need to translate academic papers, legal contracts, or other specialized documents, our specialists and experts ensure quality.
Secure, AI-powered, unlimited use
machine translation service
We offer unlimited usage for a reasonable monthly flat rate.
Our AI-powered translation engine achieves 95% accuracy and is comparable to professional translators.
All servers are managed in compliance with ISMS standards and all data transmissions are secured by SSL encryption.
Machine Translation with
Professional Translator-Level AI
High Accuracy
Translate with an accuracy comparable to that of a professional translator. With the massive accumulation of specialized terms from 2,000 fields including pharmaceuticals, chemistry, machinery, IT, law, and finance, the AI is able to produce accurate automatic translation that fits your industry.
You can make the AI memorize your specialized phrases and expressions. The more you use it, the more it will be customized to match the user.
All the servers are in Japan, protected by ISMS-certified equipment against external illegal access. Data transmission uses SSL encryption system.
A translation machine for specific purposes that can translate with just a small amount of reference data
The AI can be customized for the intended use by simply inputting only about 30 pages of reference samples. It will learn until it can significantly reproduce even subtle expressions and phrases.
Using custom translation model matched to its intended use reduces the time and cost required to translate similar contents.
Using custom translation model matched to its intended use reduces the time and cost required to translate similar contents.